Swachh Bharat

Swachh Bharat

Swachh Bharat Abhiyan – A Call For Behavioural And Infrastructural Changes Did you know? % India accounts for 59% of the world’s open defecating population 2001 64% 2011 53% The percentage of households with no latrines decreased by 11% between 2001 and 2011 Rupees...
Water Borne

Water Borne

No Sign of Relief as Water-borne Diseases Continue to Haunt Sanitation and clean water supply has been a priority of subsequent governments, however the prevalence of water-borne diseases in India has only declined marginally. This is inspite of extensive efforts to...


  Nirmal Bharat or Swachh Bharat – Is India getting anywhere close to becoming open defecation free? Providing complete toilet coverage across the villages, towns and cities of India has acquired extreme significance in policy discourse, if one were to go by the scale...
Girls Toilet

Girls Toilet

Fact Check: PM Announced “100% Girls Toilet Complete” Background On 13th November, the Prime Minister Narendra Modi, in his Wembley speech announced“In India many girls drop out of schools because they don’t have separate toilets. This government has completed the...
Ground Water

Ground Water

Indian Express - Visual Data Parched Earth : Is it a Water Crisis Yet? Has India reached a water crisis situation? Availability and Development of Ground Water In the year 2000, India's water availability was 2000 cu m per person per year. By 2011, it dropped to 1545...