Water in agriculture

Water in agriculture

Water in agriculture: Policy solutions to a critical problem Agriculture continues to find an important place in policy discourse in India. Despite contributing less than 15% to the GDP of our country, the agriculture and allied sector still employs almost half of our...
Water Borne

Water Borne

No Sign of Relief as Water-borne Diseases Continue to Haunt Sanitation and clean water supply has been a priority of subsequent governments, however the prevalence of water-borne diseases in India has only declined marginally. This is inspite of extensive efforts to...
Ground Water

Ground Water

Indian Express - Visual Data Parched Earth : Is it a Water Crisis Yet? Has India reached a water crisis situation? Availability and Development of Ground Water In the year 2000, India's water availability was 2000 cu m per person per year. By 2011, it dropped to 1545...