Adarsh Gram – A Bottom-Up Approach To Rural Development
Did you know?
There are a total of 2,38,617 Gram Panchayats (GPs) in India

68.84% of India’s population stays in rural areas
Out of 789 MPs in the country, 660 MPs have identified the gram panchayats they wish to develop into a model village by 2016
(*246 members in RS as against sanctioned strength of 250)
Access to funds for development through MPLAD, various Central and state government schemes, Finance Commission grants, tapping CSR funds from the private sector
Every MP of Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha has access to INR 5 crore per annum under the Member of Parliament Local Area Development Scheme (MPLAD) fund.
Total of 19825 crores available to 793 MPs under MPLAD fund for the 5 year period from 2014-2019.
Rajya Sabha MPs can select a village in any district of the state from which they have been elected. The village identified should not be the native village of the MP or their spouse
Sansad Adarsh Gram Yojana is a step towards empowering the villagers and ensuring holistic development

“If we have to build the nation we have to start from the villages”
– PM Narendra Modi